Kitsap ​Dry Kiln

Wood Species Dried

Since 2019, Kitsap Dry Kiln (formerly known as Northwest Saw & Dry Kiln) has dried many, many thousands of board feet lumber and slabs, and we’ve experienced the nuances of drying common and some not so common species to Western Washington.  The majority of the wood we dry is Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, and Big Leaf Maple.  Here is a complete listing of the wood species that we’ve dried for our customers.

Most Common Species

  • Douglas Fir
  • Big Leaf Maple
  • Western Red Cedar
  • Red Alder
  • Western Hemlock
  • Ponderosa Pine

Other Species

  • Elm 
  • Redwood
  • Sequoia 
  • Black Walnut
  • White Oak
  • Madrone 
  • Incense Cedar
  • Guanacaste (Parota)
  • Chinese Elm
  • Silver Maple
  • Cherry

New Species to Dry

When we come across new species, we identify the hardness of that wood by referring to the Janka Hardness value.  This allows us to associate the drying characteristics of the new species with one we are already familiar with.  This method has served us very well.